Now that school is officially done, I can catch up on this! Here are the belated ultrasound pictures that I promised...Well, it looks like Alex removed the jump drive from the computer bag that held the pictures. Maybe some other time.
My second doctor's appointment went well, although it was not as exciting as the first. We got to hear the heartbeat though! It was about 164 beats a minute, which is apparently normal for someone so young.
I turned 22 this past month! Craziness! I feel like it's all down hill from here. haha. I don't have any more milestones to look forward to, except for the hills. Alex gave me earrings two nights beforehand and pretended that was my only gift. Since, he usually does more than that, I was a little disappointed, but glad to save the money. The next day, I came home to a Wii system set up in my living room! I wasn't completely in love with it before, but I am now! We bowl on Thursday nights and he had a friend bring me one of those cookie cakes from Mrs. Fields and another friend bought me balloons! It was fabulous.
This past weekend, I graduated from the University of Arizona! For the first time in 17 years, I am not a student. I am now the proud recipient of a bachelor's degree!!! It will be so refreshing to only work full-time. Here are some pictures from the big day...
This is me with my parents and grandma. Alex was there, but looking back, we didn't take many pictures. I had more family and friends there, but different cameras captured different things and apparently the person who had ours was not very snap happy.