Wednesday, August 18, 2010

9 Months!

Can that really be true?  Is my baby really 9 months old?!  Where has the time gone.  His well check went well today.  He is 17 lbs 7.75 oz and 29 inches long.  He is finally growing into his big head.  HAHA!  It's only in the 60th percentile now.  :)  He has mastered crawling and loves to cruise.  This, of course, doesn't help us at bedtime when all he wants to do is stand.  I am also trying to get him to consistently fall asleep on his own.  Yesterday it took 40 minutes!  I am so proud that he did it on his own though.  He's also starting to feed himself with the little gerber graduates puffs.  He is such a joy!

Our New Truck

Last week we decided it was time for a new car.  Our little Hyundai accent had a lot of repairs in its future and was becoming too small for our growing family.  We picked out a Chevy Silverado that we love because we thought it would be nice to have a truck and it is wide enough for 3 car/booster seats in the back and seats 3 in the front!  The whole car buying process is a pain and didn't go as planned, but with each new experience we learn some lessons.  That's what life is all about, right? 

We do miss not having a car paymnt though!

Monday, August 9, 2010

He's gone mobile!

That's right, folks, Ben has finally learned how to get around on his own.  He started crawling at the very end of July and is now doing it with his tummy off the floor.  He pulls himself up on everything and is no longer super interested in his toys.  He prefers anything that is on the coffee table with a special emphasis on paper, cell phones, and electrical cords. 

This is Ben kissing my freshly cleaned window as he watches the rain.

When he was supposed to be sleeping...

In with the pots and pans.

Singing Bee

Anybody else like country music and watch the Singing Bee on CMT on Friday nights??  I absolutely love that show and it almost inspires me to go sing karaoke.  in public.  Can you imagine such a thing?  haha.  Alex doesn't think I'd do it.  I am slightly addicted to the show and I love Melissa Peterman as a host.  She cracks me up.  What is your favorite thing on TV right now?

When Baby Makes Four

Yes, we are pregnant again!  Baby #2 will join our family early April.  I see my doctor later this month for the first ultrasound.  We are so excited!!!!  Ben and the baby will be about 17 months apart.  Crazy!  I'll definitely have my hands full.