Tuesday, September 21, 2010

First OB Visit

I went to a new OB for the first time last month.  Her office is nice, but I miss my doctor in Tucson.  This one isn't quite as personable and there is a technician who does the ultrasounds instead of the doctor.  The nice thing is that they do the lab work in the office and they had a great finance lady who explained what our insurance covers in detail. 

Here is our little peanut:

I can't wait to hear the heartbeat on Friday!  I think it is at that point that I will really feel pregnant.  I've actually lost some weight these past few weeks from not eating as much when certain smells make me want to puke.  Unfortunately, one of those is baby food, so I dread feeding poor Ben.  Hopefully that goes away soon!


Goldmans said...

who your OB?!

Tiffany said...

april, I can't get to your blog so I hope you look at ths again...it is kerry schlect or something like that

Goldmans said...

what is your email address and I will add you to my blog. my private list got deleted so i have to readd everyone and cant remember who all was on it!!

what is the name of the office?! hope you start feeling more at home with her here soon! I totally understand how you feel, I just had to switch ob's around 24 weeks cause I found out at my 20 week visit my doctor who delivered Cars and Lily is no longer delivering.. why couldnt someone tell me when I first going there for this pregnancy instead of half way through it.. LOL! but I love my new one just as much as the old one!! So hoping you start feeling more at ease with new doctor too!!

Ashley and Spencer Bunn said...

where are you living now? I didn't know you moved from Tucson

Tiffany said...

it is north scottsdale womens care, a solo practice. She's nice, but my last one just gushed with happiness and hugged you when you were expecting like it was her own first grandchild or something. It was refreshing since she was SO busy. Anyways, my email is tiffersa at hotmail dot com