Tuesday, September 21, 2010

What Ben is Up To Now

  • He gets into EVERYTHING all day long.  If it is in a basket, on a shelf, or in a bag, it definitely must be removed.  This makes for an even messier house. 
  • He has also decided that he only wants to sleep for about 30  minutes at a time in his crib during the day, which means I barely have time to clean up his mess before he makes another one.  I have no chance at all to clean up Alex's mess.  I feel like I try all day just to keep up with absolutely must be done (shower, eat, go to work) and nothing gets clean until something starts growing in places it shouldn't. 
  • He has to eat when you eat.  It doesn't matter if he ate 2 minutes before, he must chew while you chew.  No exceptions.  
  • He loves popsicles.  
  • He"s teething like crazy.  He has 4 teeth coming in on the bottom and 1 on the top.  This makes for a very unhappy baby sometimes.
  • He hates having his diaper changed.  It's like a personal offense to lay him on his back.