Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A bit of a break

My dear puppy decided that our power cord that was more fun to chew on than any of the many chew toys that are at his disposal. So, we've been without a computer for 2 or 3 weeks. You'd think that I would replace the time that I used to spend surfing then net with something more productive, but i think I just managed to watch more TV.

I did, however, volunteer yesterday at a Spina Bifida conference here in Tucson. Think nursery for 8 hours with twelve 4 year olds. it got pretty tiring.

You might be wondering why i titled the blog one hit wonder. well, we bowl in a league every tuesday night. we're pretty much the worst team there, but occasionally we'll have a great game which kills the other team because our handicap is enormous and then we win! it doesn't happen very often, so we've decided that this will be our team name for the fall. yesterday I had the best 3 games of bowling EVER! I finally hit 200!! woowoo. that's 60 pins over my average. I was so excited, people started staring! lol. i don't care; I was proud of myself!!


Harshes said...

You are so cute! I can just see you bowling and getting excited! That is so funny and a great name! Ugh! I do not want dogs! Tatum wants one sooooooo bad, but it'd just be another kid for me and if I have to take care of another kid, I'd like it to be my baby thank you very much! Are you enjoying the summer? Stop watching TV and get out and have fun!