Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Big Move

We are finally in our condo!! What a happy day. we have a few things left in the apartment, mainly in storage outside. We have one of our renters who has not moved out yet--his apartment in phx got delayed, so he'll be here for a few weeks. unfortunately, he has a lot of furniture and isn't very good at packing stuff. it's messy, dirty, and needs some serious remodelling. i'm already tired of seeing boxes! and then i also have to finish cleaning the apartment. ugh. It's wonderful to have so much ROOM though!! I can't wait to be able to put stuff where I want it. as soon as I find the box that holds my camera captive, I will start snapping away so you can see it, too. and I'll be sure to flip them around when necessary. ;)


Megan Turnidge said...

Hi Tiffany! How are you doing?! You're living in a condo now? Where?