Tuesday, January 25, 2011

14 months!

My cute little TODDLER is 14 months already.  Here are some things he's doing now:

  • make various football signs such as "touchdown," "no good," and "holding."  He's also picked up on traveling, but that's a different sport and something we didn't teach
  • he is starting to fold his arms during prayer, which is good because he learned the football stuff WAY earlier and I feared we would be cast down because if I can't teach him to fold his arms when they are clearly capable of such things, how the heck will I teach him everything before he turns 8?  still a daunting task, but at least I have hope :)
  • he enjoys putting toys BACK where they belong almost as much as he likes to take them out.  YAY!
  • he still can't drink from a cup without getting water everywhere.  we did start with a spill-proof sippy and I'm afraid it has taught a bad habit.
  • he loves to spit
  • he says mama and dada, but not very often
  • if he doesn't get his way and you are holding him, he gets this look of sheer terror on his face and starts to claw at yours.  then, he bites his hand.
  • he's teething again


Amanda said...

14 months, already?! That's so cute that he does football signs.