to exercise that is.
You see, I've wanted to lose the baby weight, but not really wanted it enough to truly do something about it. Something that will produce some results.
Well, I think the time has come. Because next year in May-ish, I may be swimming in these beautiful waters with my husband in an ALL EXPENSES PAID trip, courtesy of Schwab.
And I'm certainly not stuffing all of these rolls and spare tires into a swimming suit. Or two. (Cuz who can just wear one in Hawaii??) Oh, and I might need a little black dress for all of those fancy dinners we'll be going to.
So far, I am doing 90 crunches, some planks and lunges, walking the neighborhood, and running on the treadmill. But the key is consistency this time. I think I can do it.
Why would a company be so generous, you may ask?
Because Alex is AMAZING at what he does. They only take the best of the best and he is one metric away from being there.
Just to brag a little, he is #1 in the ENTIRE company at getting leads. No one has more right now for the year. That blows my mind. I'm not #1 in anything at my store, let alone all of walgreens.
Little does he know that if I do lose the weight and he doesn't get picked to go, he's STILL taking me to Hawaii. haha. Just kidding....sort of
Here are some more pictures of that beautiful Grand Hyatt Resort

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