Saturday, April 7, 2012

My little toddlers

It's official--Ashlyn's walking! She took her very first steps on my last day of work, while I was at work. It's the first major milestone I've ever missed. I can't believe my baby is ONE! I think it's time for another one. ;) Her doctor's appointment went well. She's almost on the growth chart at 16 pounds 14 ounces!! She's a tiny little thing with a lot of spunk. She tries to keep up with Ben and he just adores playing with her. She says "dada," "yeah," "vroom vroom," and "that." She also barks like a dog when she sees one. She also says "mmmm..." when she's done eating. CUTE. She likes to climb the stairs at the playground and has no fear of heights. She eats constantly. Even if she just ate a meal, she will come over to you and munch on your food. If you mention that you're fixing lunch or a snack, she'll instantly be your friend.   

the classic wheelbarrow ride

first swim! she wouldn't sit still so I didn't get a good picture

Ben is "helping" her open her gifts

Her first cupcake!  She just ate the marshmallows on top, not the actual cake.  I'm so glad I did it from scratch...

Ben is doing great!  He is almost 2.5 and really starting to grow up...sometimes.  He still slaps Ashlyn around, but he's very helpful and he's talking more!  He even said, "I want this" today and he can count to three with a little help.  He can say maybe half his letters and is getting better at two syllable words.  I just love his speech therapist!  She's wonderful with him.  He loves trucks and cars and parks and bubbles and dirt and walks and snacks.  He would rather snack all day long and not sit down for a meal.  He's becoming a picky eater and I'm never sure what exactly he's going to want any given day.  He has absolutely NO interest in the potty.

My first attempt at letting him help me stir when making cookies.  It went surprisingly well and my kitchen did NOT look like it threw up flour, so I was happy.


Amanda said...

Wow, I can't believe she's already one! They're growing up so fast!:)