Monday, May 28, 2012

We're Here!

We made it to Texas!  Life has been full of unpacking boxes, learning (read: getting lost) the area, and trying to see what exactly we have.  We left a few things behind in Tucson and then a few more in Phoenix, so I'm having to buy things that I once had.  Here are a few tidbits about the city and my kids:

The streets are all cement with a bunch of cracks, dips, fading lines, and school zones galore.  I've never seen so many school zones on major roads before. 

It's definitely humid.  Like, I-don't-leave-the-house-after-lunch humid (unless of course the kids are driving me CRAZY and then we brave the weather and get the mail).

Grass grows here.  Everywhere.  It's like magic.  There's even grass on both sides of the sidewalk and tree-lined streets!  Ahhh...Perfect.

Ben could eat PB&J all day long.  The seal on our fridge isn't great, so he can easily open it which is both a blessing and a curse.  Whenever he wants something, he pulls it out of the fridge.  We go through at least 2 loaves of bread a week.  Today for breakfast he ate homemade banana bread oatmeal, blueberries, 1 slice french toast, cheese, and some cereal.  I don't think my grocery budget can handle that.

He will only eat goldfish if a) Ashlyn is eating it or b) it's the only snack left on earth. 

Ben wants to play with anything Ashlyn is playing with.  She definitely has the better taste in toys.

Ashlyn will eat anything, anytime, any place.  If you have food, she'll instantly be your best friend.

Ashlyn's best defense is the classic bite.  She has 8 teeth now and can really do some damage. 

She barks at any animal she sees whether it's a dog, cat, bird, or squirrel.

Both of them LOVE to brush their teeth and scream bloody murder should you dare take the toothbrush away. 

Ashlyn is entering her terrible twos.  I think this is why people don't have kids so close together.  Trying to drag two wandering children up the stairs while lugging a double stroller and sippys, snacks, and diapers just isn't fun.  Then of course it's a blast when they both decide that walking is not an option and they fall to the floor in the middle of the street.  Luckily, Ben is showing a bit more maturity each day.  It just might be my saving grace.

I think I need to take some more pictures of the kids here, what do you think?