Sunday, October 5, 2008

A Long Time In Coming

Here are some pics of our new condo from about 2 months ago, so believe me it looks better than this, but not as much as you'd think. I am so overwhelmed by everything that I have to do that I end up doing nothing. It's a horrible cycle. Here's our living room, but it's not our TV. :( We do however, have 4 TVs now, so if anyone would like one, you have a decent selection here with us.
Underneath all of the boxes is our dining room floor. The height of the boxes has gone down, but not away. One day it will all be done.
Sorry, I forgot to flip this picture...this is obviously our kitchen and no, we have not started drinking. We still had a roommate at this time and this was his form of decoration. Look at my beautiful, new stove!
This is our functional bathroom. Notice the bucket on the toilet. We were having a wonderful water leak from upstairs...boy do I love this place!

Our other bathroom is gutted and needs some serious attention. We plan on knocking some walls out, putting in a new shower, tile, toilet, and vanity. I've decided that remodeling is only fun when you have the money to do it.

As a whole, we are going great! Alex got a 2nd job at Holiday Inn Express and I am interviewing at Bank of America, which could either become a second job or we take a drastic cut in hours for me...I can't wait for school to be behind us! Life has to get easier after that...I'm hoping...

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No Internet

So, in order to save some cash, we opted not to have internet at home. We either use it at school or go to Border's and thus I have been slacking on updating this thing. I found my camera and I took pics, but I don't have them with me. :( I'll have to put them on my jump drive. That thing is my new best friend! haha. Life is going well down here. We've had some rough weeks, but I know that my challenges are small in comparison to others and I'm grateful for that. Alex got a 2nd job working at Holiday Inn Express 2 nights a week. It's bittersweet because I miss him, but it will definitely help pay the bills. I am so excited to graduate in...8 months!! The countdown begins...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Return to Childhood?

I wish it was possible to return to a time when I didn't have to worry how bills were going to be paid, stupid HOAs, and neighbors who can't mind their own business. Life was so much easier then and I definitely took it for granted. I don't want to be an adult anymore...

Saturday, July 26, 2008

The Big Move

We are finally in our condo!! What a happy day. we have a few things left in the apartment, mainly in storage outside. We have one of our renters who has not moved out yet--his apartment in phx got delayed, so he'll be here for a few weeks. unfortunately, he has a lot of furniture and isn't very good at packing stuff. it's messy, dirty, and needs some serious remodelling. i'm already tired of seeing boxes! and then i also have to finish cleaning the apartment. ugh. It's wonderful to have so much ROOM though!! I can't wait to be able to put stuff where I want it. as soon as I find the box that holds my camera captive, I will start snapping away so you can see it, too. and I'll be sure to flip them around when necessary. ;)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Keith Family Reunion

We recently drove up to Rigby, ID with Alex's parents. It was actually a lot of fun, but we were glad to get home after a week. We spent a ridiculous amount of time in the car. We stopped in Salt Lake and we got to see Nicole and Brady! We didn't have much time though. I finally got to eat at the Mayan restaurant, which is famous for its divers. They have this show going on as you eat. It's pretty cool, but kind of disappointing after all the hype people gave it. Here are some pictures...Ok, so it looks pretty funny because I haven't mastered how to upload images yet. haha. hopefully you can follow the pics.

After spending the night in Utah, we drove out to Antelope Island on the Great Salt Lake and saw lots of bison! Look at the baby bison! isn't he cute?! :)

We finally made it to Idaho that night. Oh man, do I LOVE it there! It's green everywhere and there's lots of land and crops and horses! it's practically heaven on earth. I want to move immediately! I love how you don't need fences around your property and you can leave your doors unlocked.

One of my goals is to see as many temples as possible in my lifetime! I got to knock two more off my list...Idaho Falls and Rexburg. We actually stopped on the grounds in rexburg but my pic for idaho falls is from the freeway.

We spent Friday at Yellowstone National park. it's awesome! I unfortunately deleted my pictures accidentally while at the park and totally broke down. Luckily, there is this amazing recovery software online that recovered it for me for a mere 40 dollars! totally worth it to me. Here are some pics of the awesome animals we saw on our trip!

of course, we couldn't leave without seeing Old Faithful!
I'm pretty proud of this last picture--Upper Mesa Falls. I hope it blows up nicely!
Wow, what a long post! Thanks for hangin' in there!
(As you probably noticed, the pictures are in the opposite order in which i talk about them. how do I fix that?!)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Summer Vacation

The one thing I love about summer is the chance to go on vacation! It only sucks when you come back. haha. We just got back on sunday from a family reunion on Alex's side. 16+ hours of driving with the in-laws. It went better than I thought. I'll post lots of pics and give you more details when I am not so tired and I can find my camera cord (the joys of moving). :)

Saturday, July 5, 2008

Feeling The Crunch

We are starting to feel the crunch financially. Not as bad as some, but we are definitely not where I would like to be. Everytime we almost get everything paid off, something else happens. ugh. I guess that's life. On a different note, Alex has lost about 20 pounds in one month! yay for him. I, on the other hand, have only lost one or two. He eats better than I do and takes omega-3s, so he deserves it. I'm trying to eat less, eat more fruits and drink more water and less juice. We had a bump in the road with the exercise and we go on vacation next week, so we'll see how we do when we get back. Overall, I think I'm making progress. I need to actually take my measurements--maybe I'm getting thinner and I don't even know it! haha. Nothing else going on here. We're just waiting for school to start so we can finish!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A bit of a break

My dear puppy decided that our power cord that was more fun to chew on than any of the many chew toys that are at his disposal. So, we've been without a computer for 2 or 3 weeks. You'd think that I would replace the time that I used to spend surfing then net with something more productive, but i think I just managed to watch more TV.

I did, however, volunteer yesterday at a Spina Bifida conference here in Tucson. Think nursery for 8 hours with twelve 4 year olds. it got pretty tiring.

You might be wondering why i titled the blog one hit wonder. well, we bowl in a league every tuesday night. we're pretty much the worst team there, but occasionally we'll have a great game which kills the other team because our handicap is enormous and then we win! it doesn't happen very often, so we've decided that this will be our team name for the fall. yesterday I had the best 3 games of bowling EVER! I finally hit 200!! woowoo. that's 60 pins over my average. I was so excited, people started staring! lol. i don't care; I was proud of myself!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Looks like the third time
is the charm for me! Here are the pictures I
mentioned before. Enjoy!

I'm trying to learn exactly how this thing works, so hopefully this post turns out! Right now my pets are sleeping and it really is a wonderful break. Kind of like kids...they get into everything, do what they're not supposed to, and won't quit bugging each other. I guess it's good preparation for motherhood. hopefully one day soon! I love this picture of Casey since it is so him--right next to a sign where he's not supposed to be. Gabi was just a sweet little thing posing for the camera!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

A new first!

So, I've decided to start a blog. We'll see how it goes! Life goes on about the same for us. We both work and go to school and we have 2 pets that keep us busy. We also move into our condo in a month so I've started the dreaded packing process. On Tuesday nights we bowl in a league, even though we're pretty bad. In fact, we are close to being the worst in the league. But we have fun! We started exercising and lifting weights on monday so hopefully in a few weeks we will be lean, mean, fat burning machines! haha. My arms really hurt though. Needless to say, yesterday was not the best day to decide to try rock climbing for the first time ever either!