Sunday, April 10, 2011

Birth Story

Very few things in my life seem to go as I plan them.  This birth was definitely not one of those things.  I looked back at my birth plan that I loosely made while pregnant and it goes something like this:
--all natural delivery (no induction)
--no epidural
--no pitocin
--no IV should be necessary since I wasn't group B + this time
--walk throughout labor
--possibly birth using a squatting bar

I got absolutely none of these.  Actually, I may not have been given pitocin to contract my uterus after the fact.  I don't remember that being mentioned as one of the many things going through my IV.

Yes, I had a C section because Ashlyn's head wouldn't move past my ribcage.  Definitely not natural.  I was given an IV immediately because you can't eat or drink for 8 hours prior because of the risk of surgery.  It took 3 tries to get it in.  I think my fear of needles has officially been squelched.  I still can't watch though.  I was also given an antibiotic (antsa??), reglan, and pepcid through that thing.  Let's not forget the morphine, but that may have been placed with my spinal.  I'm not really sure and I didn't feel the need to ask.  I just enjoyed the following 24 hours that were pain free.  I think it's the first narcotic I've ever been given.  Nothing like going straight to the good stuff. 

The ECV (to turn her) wasn't that bad.  It was mildly uncomfortable while my doctor was doing it and slightly painful when she called in a male doctor to assist.  Shortly thereafter I just surrendered to the surgical option.  But, it was the first time that I actually felt peace about the decision.  I even took a little siesta after the nurse had prepped me, yet we were still waiting for the OR.  I'm still surprised I was actually able to sleep.  The OR is freezing and the warmth in my legs from the spinal was actually a welcome relief.  The anesthesiologist was right and my IV hurt worse than my spinal.  One of the doctors was there simply to add humor to the situation while they got everything ready.  I'm sure he had another job once I was numb, but they could pay him big bucks just for that if it was up to me.

Here's an overload of pictures in her first few days after birth.  I actually don't have any of her coming out because Alex chose the video camera for documentation of the event and I highly doubt you want to see the inside of my uterus...don't worry, I didn't either. 

the last picture of me pregnant

Alex prepped for surgery

while I sleep (I didn't even realize they took a pic!)

Mommy got bored around day 2 of the hospital and started dressing me up...

I'm really glad mommy didn't buy the flower that was about twice this size...

At first, Ben didn't really care one way or another for Ashlyn.  Now he wants to poke her, squeeze her, or hit her.  Not exactly the progress I was hoping for.


Amanda said...

Oh Tiffany, I'm so sorry that things didn't go nearly as planned and that you had a c section. Reading everything solidified my fears of having one, which I'm sure means someday I will end up having one (things don't go as planned for me either. Haha). You're one brave woman!! I love that you dressed her up in the hospital. I did that too and was surprised when people thought I was strange and told me people don't normally do that. Who knew?! Lol. They're just so cute and fun! She looks adorable. I hope you're healing, recovering and getting some rest! I'll be in phoenix at the end of the month, but I'm not sure if you'll be up and going to church then. But if you are, it'd be great to see you and meet her!