Friday, April 22, 2011

What was I thinking??

Sometimes I wonder what I was thinking having 2 kids under 2.  Sure, they're cute and they'll be great friends when they're older, but what about now?  How am I supposed to deal with a 17 month old who is becoming very independent and has long since entered the terrible twos and whines at EVERY thing (ie somebody leaves the house, the stroller he's pushing hits a wall/small rock, if you tell him "no") and a newborn who eats every 2 hours?  They are fantastic when I have them one on one, but together and by myself??  I go crazy sometimes.  It's a good thing there are 4 adults to 2 kids.  I dread the day it becomes 2 adults to 3 kids...yikes.  For the moment they are both blissfully sleeping.  In their beds. At the same time.  Must....go...clean!


Amanda said...

It for sure sounds like you have your hands full! Whenever I think about how much I love babies or the thought enters about having another one, I quickly think of the logistics and decide to wait a little longer. Lol. Hope you got some good cleaning/resting during the blissful moment of silence:)

Jennifer said...

Congrats on the new baby. I had 2 under 2. They are the best of friends and it really wasn't that bad when they were little. I thought it was great. The baby was happy being held and I just chased after the other with one hand. It works out. Good luck.